I have done very little buying and selling on Craigslist, but I am an avid "looker" at the listings. One of the things I have been searching for is wicker furniture, and while many listings have come and gone, nothing really caught my eye until this one:
"Pier 1 Azteca wicker furniture, lightly used, settee, chair, ottoman, coffee table, and side table $500."
Wow! I love Pier 1 stuff, and since this Azteca furniture is still part of their line, I went to the local store to have a look at it and test it for comfort. Price new, including cushions and tax for all the pieces in the ad was almost $2200.
The new furniture in the sunroom
I emailed the seller, Val, and we had a few chatty emails back and forth. She was selling because she needed a hide a bed in her living room as she is waiting for a hip replacement and won't be able to get upstairs in her condo for 6 weeks after the surgery. She bought the Azteca furniture as a treat to herself when she first bought her condo a couple of years ago.
I told her I really didn't want the large coffee table, but I would take it to get it off her hands. She said if I took everything she'd drop the price to $400. I LOVE CRAIGSLIST!!
So I rallied my son to give me a hand and we went and picked it up. It is in perfect condition. The cushions are slightly worn, so I may replace them in the future. But I am happy, happy, happy with the way the sunroom looks now, including a newly framed painting done by my Dad and a little area for my guitar practice.
Dad's painting
Guitar Practice Area
The coffee table I didn't want is a great home for Mom's Christmas Cacti that are blooming like mad!
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