Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Looking ahead to the weekend plans has become especially exciting since we've had the country estate.  Right now we still live and work in the city, and only get out there on the weekends, until our city house sells (fingers crossed, sell, sell..).

This weekend a few things are going to happen:

First, Chuckles cousin Jenn is coming out for a visit, and to see the place for the first time.  I am a little disappointed that she can't stay for the whole weekend, but she is a busy girl, finishing her teaching certification and working and partying when she can!  She moves to the Yukon at the end of August where she will do her teaching practicum, and she is hoping to get a permanent job there.  She's a northern girl who came to Vancouver to go to school, but the north is in her blood. 

Jenn is a ton of fun to have around, I really love her.  She always keeps us entertained with a million stories of fun and friends, plus she is bringing a dog with her!  She is house-sitting and pet-sitting for one of the faculty at her school, so she takes the dog with her everywhere.  Lila is a duck-tolling retriever who I know is going to love the country estate!  And we will get our dog fix - yay!

Second, and this is big, we are going to have two comfy armchairs at the house this weekend!  Right now we only have a kitchen set and a patio set, the rest of the house is devoid of furniture, as all our furniture is still at the city house.  So we go to the country estate for the weekend, and have no where comfortable to sit when we finally stop working at the end of the day.  So we just go to bed.  My parents are replacing their armchairs with new ones after getting a new carpet which clashes with the pattern on the armchairs.  I am picking the new chairs up for them and delivering them tomorrow, taking the old chairs out to Aldergrove with me on Friday.  Eventually the chairs are going to form a sitting area in the guest bedroom, but for now, we will put them in the living area.

Third and lastly, I think I will get the garden clearing finished and the bark mulch down.   There is still some landscape fabric to go down, and then a couple of trailer loads of bark much to be spread, and that's it! 
That signifies the end of my first major project at the country estate! A milestone!  Also, it means the end of fresh gashes on my arms and legs from all the thorny bushes I have had to tame into submission.  Let the healing begin! 

What it also signifies is that the following weekend will be the start of the interior painting of the house.  The gashes will be replaced by paint splotches on my arms and legs.  Oh well, my mother always says "A change is as good as a rest!"

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