Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Good-Bye City House!

We have slept our last night at the city house, and all that's left to do is gather up the few things which are still there and give it a final wipe down, and we're done!

I thought this moment would be bittersweet, but I actually feel like it's just a job to be done and good riddance, as two houses are too many to look after in the long term.  Life will be simpler from this point forward.  Sort of.

As we were taking the final load out of the city-house garage last weekend, our neighbor who shares our back alley was pulling into his garage.  He took a moment to come over to chat, and proclaimed that we are conducting the slowest move ever! 

Another load from the garage to the country estate
Of course, he only sees the city end of things, and has no idea of all the work we have accomplished at the country estate to date.  AND, I noticed that his garage is pristine enough that you could eat off the floor and there were about three garden implements hanging off the wall and that was IT.  Unlike our garage which has been a woodworking, metalworking, mechanical garage for the past 30 odd years with all the accompanying bits and pieces.  Not sure what he does for fun, but I have the feeling that he and Chuckles have NOTHING in common!!


My little grand-dog Nicky was with us for the weekend.  We discovered Friday night that she had fleas, so Saturday morning bright and early I was at the Co-Op, buying shampoo and flea powder to treat her with.  I was a bit concerned that it would be like bathing a Tasmanian devil, and if you have ever seen her run from one end of our property to the other in 3 seconds flat, you would understand my concern!  Staying still is not her strong suit.  I had a sleepless night Friday thinking about the scratches and nips I was going to sustain, not to mention the potential of my newly decorated bathroom being destroyed. 

Happily it was absolutely the opposite.  Once I coaxed her into the tub and familiarized her with the running water and the spray nozzle, she acted like a princess on a spa day!  She rested her chin on the edge of the bathtub and was like a blob of jelly - so relaxed that when I moved my hand off her to get more shampoo, she slid down the side of the tub in slow motion as her legs splayed out from under her.  She would have stayed there all day if I had nothing better to do! 

We bought the exterior windows and doors for the barn reno on Saturday, picked up the load from the garage in the city and unloaded that at the country estate and basically sorted and tidied most of the day.  Until it was  suddenly 8 o'clock and we were starving hungry! We went to a restaurant in our little "downtown" area.  We have been trying a different one each time we eat out, which is not every weekend, probably every other weekend or so.  So far the Mexican place El Pollo gets my vote.  The one we went to this past weekend offered all you can eat ribs, which were pretty good.  The proprietor had a unique way of checking on his guests - rather than asking how everything was the conversation was more like:

Proprietor:" The ribs are pretty good aren't they?"
One of us "Mmmm yes they are."
Proprietor" "They're really meaty aren't they?"
one of us "Yes, they are."
Proprietor: " Everyone love them because they're so meaty, that's the trick, they're meaty!"
One of us "Yes, they are."

A variation of this conversation took place every time he came by our table - which was often, as he was attentive (in his own way). 

Every meal we have eaten since we have a similar conversation:

Me: " This cereal's really grainy isn't it?"
Chuckles "yes, it is!"
Me: "We really love it because its so grainy, don't we?"
Chuckles: "Yes, we do!"

Then we laugh.  Lame, I know.  But it amuses us!

We bought curtains and rods for all the bedrooms and put them up on Sunday, in preparation for both our sets of parents coming out for their first overnight visit next weekend.  Curtainless windows are fine when it's only us in the house, but when there are six adults  -  you never know who may need to run out to their car in the front driveway at an inopportune moment when someone else is getting changed in the curtainless bedroom!  The choice was curtains or after dark lock-down,  so we opted for curtains! 

I checked out Pier 1 Imports first, as I do love their stuff, but the didn't have much selection on rods and their curtains were terribly expensive.  So, I walked over to Home Sense and found just what I was looking for at a fraction of Pier One's price.   I have to say that Langley is good for shopping if you can tolerate the traffic chaos!

 I am going to leave the windows in the living spaces without window covers.  Privacy isn't an issue as our property is completely private from the road and neighbors,  and I like the unobstructed view of the green trees and fields so much!!

I would rather look at the gardens than at curtains or blinds

Tonight is our first night staying in the city in our commercial building.  We have partitioned off a space that will do as a make-shift bedroom so that we are not committed to commuting 5 days a week.  Since we have lots to do here to get ready for the business move down the road, our time will be better spent here sorting and downsizing (we have to fit 6000 sq ft  of stuff into 2500 sq ft of space), and we are getting back into our swimming routine next week - for which I am very excited!!  I have missed my swimming so much, and I know my back and hips will appreciate it too.

We will stay in the commercial space until we go on our vacations in October, then we can decide after that if the commercial space is working as a living space or if we want to bring the travel trailer into the city and put it at the RV park down the road.  It's kind of fun being nomadic.  Not something that I could do permanently, but I am enjoying the diversity now, knowing it is for a relatively short time.

And that pretty much brings the blog up to date!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Moving, Frogs, Apples and Dogs - It's All Here.

Moving day - that is, the official one where the movers came with their big truck - is 6 days behind us now. 

It was a smooth operation, 3 guys who knew their stuff, aided by the fact that we have taken a lot of the boxed items to the country estate already. 

When they arrived, I was a bit shocked to find that two of the men were skinny, little old men that I had to resist the urge to offer to help - they just didn't look strong enough to move our lamps, never mind the big old piano with the wobbly leg!  But their looks belied their strength and experience, and when I stepped back and let them go to it, it was clear that they had done this once or twice before! 
Here's the moving truck, arriving at the country estate to unload
At the country estate, it took them a couple of hours to unload it all and deliver it to the correct room (mostly), and then they were gone.  Within a few hours we had much of it in order.  A great lesson I learned years ago from my children's grandmother is that, when moving, set up the bedroom(s) first.  There is nothing worse than working yourself until you are ready to drop, then realizing there is no place to drop!  Where are the sheets?  Where are the blankets?  So we put the master bedroom together, then the living room, so we had two comfortable spaces to relax in when we were ready. 

Master Bedroom After Movers Left

Office area after movers left
On Sunday morning I went out first thing with my nemesis the extension ladder and several large containers, and picked the apples off the tree that had ripe fruit.  The other tree is a week or two behind.   

Apple Tree Set Up

Me, Up the Ladder

One of Three Buckets of Apples
The first thing I had to do was pick up the week's windfalls apples, which I put into a container and moved them away from the tree, as the wasps were swarming around them and weren't happy to see me at all!  Because this tree is badly in need of pruning it is very bushy, with the fruit mostly on the high branches on the south side of the tree.  Of course, there are spiders everywhere at this time of year and the trees are full of them, so I frightened quite a few of them as I suddenly ascended into their space!  As I picked, I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye.  Expecting another spider, I turned to come face to face with a little tree frog!  They are also plentiful right now.  Although I didn't get a picture of the one in the tree, I snapped this one on my car when I was leaving to go to the farmers market.

Tree Frog
While I was busy with the apples, Chuckles made a bird house disguise for a light to illuminate our address sign at the road
Birdhouse in progress

Finished Birdhouse Light
I got a little lesson from Chuckles on the ride on lawnmower and spent an enjoyable hour mowing the lawn - a job I have now happily inherited.  It's like a little ATV with a purpose!!  I also took my hoe and a wheelbarrow and made the rounds of the gardens to get rid of some weeds that had cropped up.  On my rounds I discovered that the one pear on the little pear tree has disappeared!  Deer?  Birds?  Not sure who the culprit was but it was a bit of a disappointment!
Pear tree missing it's pear
I was also really happy to see that the raspberry canes which had looked very sickly when we first took over the country estate are now much happier after some TLC and a heavy feed of compost.  There are lots of new shoots and plenty of ripening berries.


 Raspberries looking healthier

Living room set up
The rest of the weekend was devoted to unpacking and putting the house in order and the garage, garden shed and barn.  One of our challenges right now is that, although we have 5 acres - huge compared to our city lot, there isn't as much outbuilding storage space as we had in the city, when you take the barn out of the equation.  Since the barn is going to house our business, we need to build a storage shed for all the toys, which include motorbikes, ATV's, kayaks, ( notice all the plurals!!) as well as all Chuck's tools, project car, gardening implements, push mowe, ride on mower...the list is long.  We need that shed pronto!
The apples I picked are sweet/tart and very tasty, so we have eaten a lot of them, given some away and the rest I processed on Monday night and they are now in my deep freeze ready to be made into apple chips, crisps, muffins, cakes and pies.  There will be more in the coming weeks from the second tree. 
This coming weekend is our last weekend in possession of the city house.  We still have some garage stuff to move out, and then the usual cleaning up.  We are also looking after granddog Nicky this weekend - another doggie fix to top up our tanks!
Nicky smiling on the back deck
Next week we continue our nomadic lifestyle in reverse - living in the city in our trailer and going home to the country estate on weekends.  The big life change continues....

Friday, 6 September 2013

Countdown to Moving Day

Moving day tomorrow!

Even though I thought we had moved most of our boxed type stuff early on in this process, when we were de-cluttering, seems that's not the case.

We have a sea of boxes - in the dining room, in the rec room, in the foyer.  Ah well, most of the packing is now done.

I have stupidly packed all my clothes except for today's (which you will be happy to know that I am wearing!!) and tomorrow's.  But, since we will be back at the city house on Sunday night, I really should have left a weeks worth of clothes here.  So, I will be bringing back some of the clothes that the movers are taking tomorrow!  Duh!

The moving company provided a checklist to follow, and although all of it is common sense stuff, it's pretty handy to have and I have been reviewing it periodically as it's been a long time since I moved.  In my mis-spent youth, which lasted mid-way into my 30's I moved quite a lot.  That is advantageous in that you don't tend to acquire and keep things except those that are absolutely necessary.  Now that it's been 17 years in one house, even though I am not a pack-rat personality, it's amazing the things that have found their way into little corners of closet, drawers and cupboards. 

The checklist has also been a very handy reminder of who to contact with address changes.  A few I would have overlooked, I am sure!

Anyway, tomorrow is the big day, and I just spoke to the movers to confirm details, so the fun begins at 8 o'clock in the morning, ready or not!

By the end of tomorrow, we will officially live here, and hopefully can sink into that hot tub behind the grape arbour!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

This week the kids have gone back to school, and I am sure many of them will be writing the obligatory "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" essay.  Here is my version!

Just spent another busy weekend at the country estate, finishing up the painting and getting ready for the movers to bring our furniture over this coming Saturday, it seems a good time to recap the progress made on the big life change so far..
The new house front steps

Here's the whole list of what was/is entailed:
Purchase Suitable Property
Sell City House
Move Household to Property
Move Business to Property
Find Tenant for City Warehouse Business Currently Occupies
Enjoy our New Life on Country Estate

Purchase Suitable Property
Mid-May we put in an offer on the country estate, and after a minimum amount of haggling it was ours!  We took possession of it May 31st.

During that same period of time I got sick- the sickest I have been in my adult life - causing me to  miss singing in my choir concert, cancel a trip to Prince George to see my nephew graduate from UNBC and cancel a trip to New York with a group from my choir. I think my body was letting me know that now that the big life change was happening it was TIME TO FOCUS!

So focus I did.

Sell City House
The month of June was spent de-cluttering the city house.  Countless trips to the Sally Ann, packing boxes of stuff we don't use on a daily basis and moving it to the country estate, stripping wallpaper, painting rooms, and painting the whole exterior of the house ourselves!

Chuckles doing the prep work before painting the city house exterior

 In between, I laid on the couch, as I was still not very well, but was determined that I was going to help Chuckles to get the job done!  By the end of June it was completed and we listed the house the first week of July.

Every weekend in July was spent at the country estate.  The weather was marvellous and we cleaned up the gardens, entertained visitors, gutted the barn, and generally busied ourselves outside.  During the week we would be in the city working and doing our best to keep the house clean, polished, mowed and clipped to look good for the open houses each weekend.  Then, Friday night we'd drive out to the country estate spend the weekend and drive back to the city Sunday night. The Monday of the August long weekend, we got the call we had waited for from the realtor.  Not just one, but two offers!  They were presented the next day, and one was clearly the best.  We accepted - house sold!

Move Household to Property
August was all about the interior.  After my initial solo attempt at the painting, Chuckles threw his weight into it and together, in four short weekends (LOL) we have painted nearly the entire interior of the house.

 It is so much better we cannot get over it.

Dark paint
Finished in our choice of paint colour!
 It was originally Dark Chocolate brown, accented with Marian's Meadow green, colours which completely absorbed the light that came in through the windows, making the house extremely dark and dungeon-like.  We have left the hallway and foyer those colours for now, as the furniture movers will be in next Saturday, and in likelihood there will be some bumps and scrapes on those wall, so we will paint them after the furniture arrives.

So officially Saturday Sept 7th the furniture will be moved and although we still have possession of the city house until Sept 19th, none of our "stuff" will reside there any longer. 

That's where we're at.  Next up is moving the business, but we need to renovate the barn first.  That construction begins on Sept 9th.   Chuckles will be doing some of that work himself, as well as using some contract labour.  Still, we expect it will take a couple of months to complete.

Meanwhile, we will still be working in the city during the week, and at the country estate on the weekends, except  now it will be roughing it in the city and living in comfort on the weekends, the complete reverse of the past three months!  We plan to bring our travel trailer in and park it at a nearby RV park on the river, which will be a nice spot to live, close to work and all amenities, trails and the beach. 

One of our two apple trees, in need of pruning but still producing!

Now that the bulk of the painting is finished, I can turn my attention back to the gardens, the apples that are ripening now, and putting some of that delicious Chilliwack corn into the deep freeze before it's all finished for the season. 

Thanks to all of you who are following my little blog, I sure do enjoy writing it.  It allows me to savor the little experiences that make up my big life change!